Reviews of all the ebay suspension guides

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    Review of Modeeworld Short List

    Modeeworld Short List. This is provided by Modee, an eBay expert and founder of Modeeworld. His guide has been written over the course of many years, with its first version written up in 2009. It is updated weekly, so that its latest version is never more than a few days old. At Modeeworld, Modee provides a combination of one on one support alongside the document itself, so that it is a custom tech support not just something that you buy, read and do on your own. So when you get the Short List, you also get one on one tech support to guide you through it and to handle all your issues. Modee is a lawyer and internet expert and seems to really know what he is talking about.

    His guide refers to the creation of "new untraceable/unlinkable EBAY + PayPal accounts." I've obtained a copy of this guide after I did a tech support with him and it is extremely detailed and goes into much more detail than I have seen anywhere else. I can say personally that this one worked for me and so far, I am back in black on eBay! At the time of this writing the Short List which includes the tech support is $75., which is the price I paid. Modee has posted that he has a version of the Short List that even teaches you how to get an eBay Managed Payments account on a stealth eBay, and that version is $150. This sounds really exciting because from what I understand PayPal may not even be on eBay much longer and EVERYONE will be forced to use an eBay Managed Payments payment method.

    Review of BACKONEBAY

    This is a pretty interesting website. It reminds me of the ones created in the early days of the internet, when websites were one long, long LONG page. It just keeps scrolling on down and down. Somehow, the website works though it's not bad. Backonebay provides a 60 day money back guarantee, but most eBay accounts will last that long anyway. Past that is where you get into trouble, so this guarantee doesn't mean whole lot. They offer two manuals, the $29.99 back on eBay manual, and the $29.99 What Sells Cheap — you may get both for $39.99 if you "act now" which there is a ticking clock on their site which purports to count down to the end of the "sale" price for these items. Every time I have gone on the site the counter has plenty of time left.

    Backonebay has pictures of a customer support guy answering the phone with a headset, but there doesn't seem to be any way to get hold of these guys by phone, so I'm not sure what kind of support they offer. An email I sent to them went unanswered for days and when they did respond, it was obviously a copy/paste robotic response, not willing to explain anything until I coughed up the money to buy his guide. I got the impression that this one character who called himself Jonathan was the only person there, not at all any sort of team.

    Review of aspkin Ebay Stealth / AUCTION STEALTH

    This one seems to be out there in a variety of formats. The writer of it is aspkin and he has an eBay forum that seems to have been around about as long as Modeeworld. It looks like currently this book costs $19.95 per month, which seems strange not sure what the monthly payment is for. Then on another website looks like it is being sold for $37. but when you try to buy it, goes back to the other website where the only choice is to pay $19.95 per month. There are various reviews of this book out there and I haven't found one third-party review that says that the aspkin guide is good. There are more than a few that call this book garbage. There is one review online from a guy who says he bought Auction Stealth, followed it closely, and was suspended within the hour. The only place you find good reviews of it are on the aspkin forum itself.

    The copy I have of this just advises you to use fake information to create a new account, and to delete all cookies, flash objects and change your IP address. There isn't much to this guide that you can't find online free including at either the Modeeworld forum or aspkin forum. It says that a new version of this guide came out in November 2015, but already that would be outdated because eBay comes up with new stuff constantly.

    Review of ebay declassified

    This one was formerly known as EbayReplay but due to bad press I suppose changed its name. There are no reviews of this one. It was $39.99 before ($49. before that) and is now "on sale" for $19.99 I found it on Amazon for $9.99 The writer posted something on blackhatworld seeking five people to review it for free, but no one responded.

    Review of EbayReplay
    review of HOW to get back on ebay
    Review of how2ebayagain
    Review of ebay solution

    These guys seem to no longer exist. Oh how the once mighty have fallen. Their websites:
    are all dead. Looks like the Ebay Suspension business other than the few noted above is not so stable. Actually there is now a new website at that looks legitimate. Seems to have no connection with the dead writer of the EbayReplay book.

    Review of Pandanger

    This one also no longer exists. Run by some guy named Oscar, looks like he headed for the hills when people caught on to that he was just a scam. The reviews online say that he was collecting money from people and not delivering any accounts.

    Review of EBAYISAJOKE

    This guy runs a tiny forum called I tried to post something there it would not let me. Obviously a one man show not interested in anyone else posting. The site seems pretty dead. This might be associated with aspkin they both call themselves "ebay stealth." This EbayIsAJoke guy is the one who wears the Guy Fawkes mask and goes all over YouTube denouncing Ebay. He was supposedly unmasked by some reporter and now we don't hear much from EbayIsAJoke.

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